How many times have you promised yourself, “This time, I’m going to do it differently with food,” and meant it with every fiber of your being? A hundred times? A thousand? Maybe you say it every day. Yet, somehow, change doesn’t happen and you feel like you keep failing.

Our brains try to fill in the gaps when we can’t figure out why we’re struggling. And often, they come up with stories like, “There’s something wrong with me,” or my personal favourite: “I’m just not trying hard enough.” Here’s the thing: these are just narratives. They’re not the truth.

BUT…once we live and believe in our narratives, they become our truth and this is how we get stuck in our destructive cycles.

We often focus on changing behaviors, thinking it’s the key to success. But behavior is just the final link in a chain. It’s the outcome of what we believe, feel, and how our biology is operating. If you try to change the outcome without understanding these deeper layers, you may continue setting yourself up for feeling like a failure when you can’t keep your promises to yourself.

Recovery involves changing our narrative about ourselves, our expectations and our interactions with food.

“But doesn’t that take longer than just changing my behaviour?”

The short answer is yes. Not the news you want to hear, I know, but consider this, if your current approach is simply to try harder to eat ‘better’, how’s that working out for you?

I unpick what it means to change your narrative in this week’s YouTube video Stop Overeating: Why Focusing on Behaviour Isn’t Enough.

If you want some structured support with me to build a new narrative for a new relationship with food you can secure your spot on my Your Intuitive Eating Blueprint course. You can find out more or book on here.

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