Join me and up to 7 others in a 3 hour workshop to explore your relationship with food. Afterwards you will receive access to free monthly support meetings on Zoom.
If food rules your life I imagine you have spent a long time trying to fix this problem. If you’re anything like I was, you keep blaming yourself for not trying hard enough. You keep resolving to do better, but the bingeing continues.
Most people assume that one-to-one therapy is necessary to recover. Well, struggling with binge eating is a lonely journey. I have seen and experienced first-hand how something extraordinary happens when people with a common problem come together. When you realise you are not alone in this, that others are going through the same thing, there is relief, a release and things start to shift.
An old problem needs a new perspective. Through a combination of input from me, reflective exercises and discussion we will cover various subjects designed to challenge your thinking and start shifting the obstacles that are keeping you stuck in the binge eating cycle.
What you can expect
3 hours with me and up to 7 others who understand what it’s like to struggle with binge eating.
Monthly free support meetings on Zoom.
Option to join a weekly binge eating therapy group.
The price is currently a one-off payment of £75+VAT. Please click here for available dates.
Please note, this is a psycho-education and support group, not a psychotherapy group.